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Use Moldavite If You Are Ready For Change [Guest Post]

Hey, I'm Nena (39 F) and this is a short guest post I am writing on Moldavite to point out a very crucial thing. I bought a beautiful genuine Moldavite pendant which I own since 6 months now and I always use it when I meditate besides carrying it with me everywhere, I have noticed a very important pattern when using this tektite.

Use Moldavite Only if You Are Ready for Change

If you plant to approach this tektite and work with it, then you should do so with a lot of courage and face your own old inner-demons (figure of speech) such as root causes of problems that persists in your life which you suppressed, addictive behavior, suppressed drama and feelings that you don't want to normally deal with, whatever it is that you want to escape from which is actually holding you back and so on. If you are willing to face them and allow Moldavite to help you with your transformational process, then be brave and proceed, otherwise there is a risk that if you are not ready and keep forcing yourself to use Moldavite, to end up being caught in a negative loop.

moldavite transform

Once the underlying problems are brought to awareness and are dealt, cleared and healed, the peace and clarity of mind you experience worth all the pain you had to digest. Moldavite raises your vibration, if you mange to match your vibration with the one of your Moldavite and you clear your problems that sets you back, then know that the higher your vibration, the more authentic you are going to be, and the more capable you'll be of tuning into what you truly desire and then manifesting it!

Personally I don't get headaches from Moldavite, my piece is real and I do not get dizzy or have headaches, however I consider myself to be able to stay in a high vibration for quite a good amount of time, once I manage to raise it. [left-sidebar]


  1. even if you are ready or not for change, moldavite will initiate the transformation whether you like it or not

  2. if you can manifest your intentions you will achieve the change


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