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Moldavite Metaphysical Layman Terms | What To Expect From Using Moldavite for its Healing Properties

Moldavite has very strong healing properties, if you think for a moment about the way it was created, from the impact of a meteorite and the surface of Earth, this violent chaotic and direct impact was a sudden transformation from the tektite that was coming from who knows where and the piece (still technically tektite) we call Moldavite. This extreme force carries specific high intensity energies upon each piece of Moldavite and if you, deep down, know that you are ready to embark on a transformational journey, hold tight, because Moldavite will give no time to stagnate and it will force your transformation at a symbolic speed in the context of how Moldavite  itself was created.

Is Okay to Keep Trying

Those of us that work with crystals know very well that many times, it is the crystal that chooses us and not the other way around, even if initially is normal for us to feel that it was our choice to pick a certain crystal. If we get attracted by a specific crystal, it could happen because we would need its vibration in our life, at the very least in that particular period of our life. The same thing happens with Moldavite, but given its rising popularity, some of us will buy it because we are really curious, and that is okay, is not wrong to start using it and feeling the Moldavite effects, just know that it is very possible and normal that you may have to put it away a couple of times before you will be ready to take the full ride. You can think of it as calibration attempts, as you can see other people reporting that Moldavite may make them feel at first very light headed, too dizzy, having hot flushes and so on, this is merely a change in one's own frequency and vibration.

When You Start The Journey With Moldavite, Be Ready!

Once you are attuned to your piece/s of Moldavite and feel prepared to go through the transformation process, know that by that time Moldavite is already affecting (positively) your frequency as your awareness is increased and the desire for change, transformation and improvement is already there. Each individual has his own set of challenges and blocks, skills and flaws, traumas and joys, therefore the experience one will have when using Moldavite will be unique, but that is not to say that there are not many mutual and significant changes as well that can found in everybody's experience with Moldavite.

How does Moldavite Work? Metaphysical-Layman Terms Explanation

If you will desire something badly, Moldavite will make that happen, but not the way you think it will. If you desire something and seems far fetched, Moldavite will not give it you by what we call luck, no. After all, it is us who do all the work, crystals and tektites like Moldavite, they influence our own vibrational field and frequency so we can be more attuned to certain characteristics of the stones themselves, in other words it is still us who should get most of the credit, always remember that. If we desire something, Moldavite can influence you in such a way to have more thoughts about achieving/owning that desire and you may feel quite in a speedy/emergency/rush vibe. Because this may cause racing thoughts on the thing you desire, between all these thoughts, you will also notice why you can't get your desire/goal.

Every aspect of ourselves has a gift. Every emotion and every trait we possess helps show us the way to enlightenment, to oneness. We all have a shadow that is part of our total reality. Our shadow is here to point out where we are incomplete. It is here to teach us love, compassion, and forgiveness, not just for others but also for ourselves. And when the shadow is embraced, it can heal us. It is not just our denied 'darkness' that finds its way...

Next, as you keep thinking, you will start seeing the things that you must do in order to get your goal/desire. After that, you will notice that your mind will confront the things that stops you from doing those things that can help you get closer to your goal/desire. You will start seeing mental blocks and patterns that you are doing, you will start seeing through the illusion that you sometimes keep telling yourself, you will notice that all of us do self-sabotage without realizing it consciously. The more you dwell into these, the more you will discover how your entire life and personality is affected and influenced by your current beliefs, choices and patterns you have. 

black obsidian and moldavite besednice
  Two Natural Glasses, Black Obsidian sphere (left) and Moldavite Besednice (right, obviously)

Note that for example, a Black Obsidian, is a stone that is also a powerful teacher and a very great one to work with, is a grounding stone, protecting you from negativity for a moment, but only to get you deep inside of your own core, as Obsidian can be like a good parent that disciplines you by explaining and showing the real you and your shadow side (whether you believe you have one or not does not matter). You cannot hide anything from the Obsidian, as it can reflect  all that there is and allow you to dive deeply into your subconscious. The Black Obsidian will make you understand the mental blocks and self sabotage patterns you are doing, it brings them out to the surface for you acknowledge them and let go, so you can heal and move on deeper if you wish. In this context, Moldavite is doing similar work, but the way Moldavite does it, is that everything is happening in a fast paced momentum. Moldavite is a very high vibrational tektite so by default it should help you stay in a high vibration which should allow yourself manifest more of what you already have in your head as in a high vibration you usually are the best version of yourself. As I was saying, in this context, Moldavite can do a similar work but it will not wait too much for you to keep up and therefore if you are not ready to keep up with the momentum, in laymen terms what will happen is that you will have overlapped thoughts and un-dealt with emotions that keeps adding and adding in your conscious mind like layers on top of each other, which will cause you to fail in maintaining a close synchronicity with Moldavite vibration, and it will make you feel very ungrounded and inability to manifest due to not being very clear how to manifest.

"When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change" Max Planck

Keep in mind that this is not a failure or wrong way, instead look at it as part of the process, as it make time some time until you will get attuned to Moldavite and you will understand at the very least by your own intuition, that the transformation process is working out the way it should, as a roller coaster that keeps going high and higher. This explanation is just a part of the process, it should be taken with a grain of salt, and always remember that your life as a whole is unique. [left-sidebar]


  1. now everything makes sense to me
    thank you very much for this!!!

  2. It is the best companion for me

  3. Moldavite certainly works if you are familiar with crystals energy. It may work for other people too but they will not notice the subtle shift in energy and it won't be cultivated as they will bounce back to random vibrations. Moldavite works, even better for crystal lovers


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