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Moldavite Healing Properties on Blockages & Manifestation of Your Goals

moldavite manifestation
Reasons why Moldavite's effects are so strong for some people is because they actually work on manifesting the high vibration they attain from using the Moldavite healing properties. One of the most important things when using Moldavite is to be very clear and specific on what you want to achieve and change in your life or that moment. Besides this, a problem I see people have is that they get ungrounded and they don't realize it or think that this is not blocking their mission and path, however the one thing they forget to put more focus is the manifestation stage. If you are using Moldavite, you need to take action! Don't forget, most of us have plenty of experience in manifesting during a low vibration, however the choices we take are not quite the best to help us get fast where we want.

Moldavite Manifestation is Crucial

I know many people that use all sorts of  positive affirmation audios, crystals grids, candles, prayers and so on, and they DO work especially if you have a strong belief that they will, however you think that is all that it takes to get the 'job' done, you are mistaken. All these practices should be like a 'supplement' to what you are already doing, don't expect the Universe to give you if what you are doing is just the intent, you need to manifest your desires and goals by taking action. If you manifest a high vibration, you will accelerate any progress you have in mind faster than you ever could. Remember also to stay in a high vibration as much as you can, Moldavite surely is there to assist with that.

You want to get into a romantic relationship? Then go out there and socialize, find people that resonate with you. You need a job, then apply everywhere on a daily basis, learn to "sell yourself", because nobody can know the wonderful and brilliant mind that resides in you, if you don't choose to put it out. You want to buy a car then use your mind and you will figure a great way to do so, to get one which you can afford and see what you can do for it.

Moldavite is raising your vibration, this will help you stay in a high vibration of taking good choices, go through obstacles instead of going around them or getting blocked, which in the end will get you much closer to your goals, as opposed to being in a low vibration and self-sabotaging yourself from reaching your goals, most of the times without realizing it and coming up with excuses as a way of coping. Remember the effects of Moldavite in regards to your own blocks and obstacles, can stretch not only to the spiritual side, but to your mental, emotional and physical as well.

Molavite Helps you Deal with your Seen & Unseen Blocks

Moldavite is removing blocks in your life that are keeping you away from your purpose, and that is whatever purpose you want to achieve. Sometimes, Moldavite can make you have thoughts of why is it that you want to achieve what you desire and how come you came to wish for that, but there's more to say about this. Eventually, I assume this is part of a process, as if you come to have no second doubts about what you want to achieve, then that right there is a mental block being cleared on spot and helping you progress even further. When paired with a Black Obsidian, it can be quite overwhelming on dealing with your blockages, but surely extremely effective.

moldavite removes emotional blocks
Guess which line does the Black Obsidian represent? The blue one!
Guess which line does Moldavite represent? All of them.

In closure to this post, what can be said in a nutshell is that:

  • Moldavite can open all sorts of mental doors for you, where you can realize what is actually important for you and raising your vibration to be able to have new point of views
  • how to progress towards that goal by going through the problem itself instead of ignoring it
  • accelerating the entire process of manifestation due to the ease of figuring out what sets you back and stopping the self-sabotage due to raising your vibration to such an extent that you might not want to go back to the old ways. Once you get there, you will know.
Another important thing to remember is that in order to go through mental blocks that holds you back and manifest your desires and goals into reality, one should be ready for change and transformation when using Moldavite. [left-sidebar]


  1. the blocks picture is pretty spot on! moldavite will make you keep moving whether you like it or not lol

  2. Staying in a high vibration is like being the best version of yourself everything becomes easy to do and the mind is clear like a veil is lifted

    1. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment, both of these are achieved with manifestation

  3. The one thing they forget to put more focus is the manifestation stage.manifestation

  4. Why do the Black Obsidian is always mentioned with the moldavite?


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