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Moldavite Carving Custom Made by a World Class Glass Engraver Pavlína Čambalová

moldavite carving

Moldavite Carving

Carving crystals is a practice known since ancient civilizations, when used in Divination, carved crystals have their metaphysical properties amplified, empowered and connects much better with their "owner" as the intention of what is carved can act as a very powerful programming technique.

Usually people that work with crystals, they program them for a specific goal, however when we see for example a carved Moldavite, what we look at is not just the practice of using an object to represent an abstract idea, but a permanent energetically programmed intention engraved into a very high vibration tektite.

We can choose a carved crystal because we like it, because we resonate with it or because there are no other models to choose from. But why stop there, why not go the extra mile and find someone to carve your most precious Moldavite into an unique and metaphysical powerful piece of art of your choice. Someone who is a true master, a talented artist and a world class accredited glass engraver such as Pavlína Čambalová.

Who is  Pavlína Čambalová?

1986 is the year Pavlína Čambalová was born in Frýdlant, Czech Republic. She has won the Main Award for glass engraving from the Symposium of Schools of Applied Arts, the Moser Company Award, the Commendation of the Jury of the Internationaler Glaskunstpreis der Stadt Rheinbach, Craft and Art in Glass competition and many more. She participated in over 30 group exhibitions and as well as 3 individual exhibitions. Pavlína Čambalová is a member of “The Guild of Glass Engravers” since 2011, taught in Germany and USA and currently she owns her own studio in Železný Brod, Czech Republic.

Let's see a glimpse of Pavlína Čambalová's work skills talent. And yes, she can do it for you too!

Genuine Moldavite carved as Jesus face by Pavlína Čambalová

More Moldavite carved by Pavlína Čambalová

and more...

and another one!

Different perspective

Pavlína Čambalová's carving talent. The detail is amazing!

If you want to carve your Moldavite, crystals or anything else, feel free to reach out to Pavlína Čambalová on her personal website at by phone, Facebook or Skype as displayed in the contact section.

"In my work, I deal primarily with things that seem quite ordinary, but for our lives are absolutely crucial. Why do I feel like being at home somewhere? What kind of feelings does beauty evoke in me? How do people respond to changes? I do not judge, I simply watch - and record it in glass. Engraved glass is the perfect medium for me, because this slow and precise technique gives me space to stop and think. It also offers plenty of possibilities to express the subtle nuances of the inner world, the atmosphere, the feeling..." - Pavlína Čambalová [left-sidebar]


  1. ona je nejlepší

  2. wow these looks astonishing!

  3. i have a big quartz i shall see if she can carve that somehow with a hole inside so i can put my moldavite inside the quartz ^^

  4. I am getting my Moldavite carved by her this week, really excited!!

  5. I love these carved moldavites they look really beautiful


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