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Moldavite is Changing my Life. Be Ready, as Moldavite Will Transform Yours Too [Guest Post]

Crystals energy is something I've been dwelling into since quite some time, it is very fascinating to me and I know there's more to it than what skeptics think crystals is all about, as surely skeptics never went through the same experience as I did. My name is Katharina, I live in Austria and I have been looking for a genuine Moldavite ever since I saw one in my friend's collection of crystals. It definitely felt like something else. After reading and being told about how intense and powerful it can be and especially after holding a piece in my own hands, I knew I wanted one myself. And so I did, I bought a few small pieces from a Czech person that found it himself.

I was told by my friend that I should consider on working with Moldavite if I am truly ready to go through change and transformation, as it will be a process that will not feel like holding a rose quartz. I've given my pieces to a specialist to make my own chain from silver and Moldavite, which I was wearing around my neck every single day. The first days were very interesting, had vivid dreams where I got fired from my job and yet I was feeling happy inside the dream. In real life I actually hate my job and I always count the days until weekend arrives. Once this idea, realization or awakening if you want to call it like that, came to my attention, I was not able to get rid of it. I really wanted to quit my job, even without a backup plan.

Moldavite and Angel Numbers

One thing that usually happens with high vibration crystals is the you might start seeing 111 110 112 113 222 etc., angel numbers, they do have their meaning which can be looked up on the internet. When I was wearing Moldavite, these numbers were not appearing every other day, no no, these were appearing on a daily basis, even several times in a day. Not just the clock, but really strange places as well, you see the time 11:11 and few seconds after you notice that the final score of the video game you were playing is 111, you go do shopping and see that the total is 111 and so on; it's not just a coincidence.

Moldavite on Precognition and Forced Changes

I went one morning to my job, my boss didn't arrived yet and I was about to install myself into my office (cubicle) when I see a notice that I am fired, a noticed written on paper and not being told by the boss himself, and this is exactly how it happened in my dream. I was shocked, relieved, but mostly shocked that this matched my dream, and it was somehow Moldavite's doing. One could say it was a precognition, but I think it was more than that, maybe I acted in certain ways since I was wearing Moldavite that made my boss consider I should let this job go and move on, as the job really made me feel stuck and quite mundane. Not sure if someone saw me but I was smiling mouth to ears when I found out I was let go.

Due to being fired, I had time to focus on a project I love doing and kept postponing since months. Being in a high vibration made me realize I should focus more on the things I love rather than on the things I despise. If working somewhere is done with hate even if you need money, you are trading your soul for the money and you are scamming yourself.

Moldavite Transformation

About 2 weeks passed since I was without a job, yet my spirits were very high and I was motivated because I felt free to do whatever I wanted to. Sure, money were not coming in, but I did not let that disturb me. Luckily I have no kids of my own in my current stage of life, otherwise it could have been more tricky I admit. Being in this vibration and feeling happy for new opportunities, attarcted exactly that, a new beginning, a new job! And not quite any job, but in a different company working as the job my ex-boss had (I didn't replace him, I was a boss myself now). I know I nailed the interview because I went with my Moldavite there; I was advised to take a blue stone for throat chakra and such, but I just went with my Moldavite alone and it did help me be the best version of myself!

Phoenix: Associated with the Sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor.

The Old Must Die for the New to Take Place

Not all is roses and chocolates, I feel how Moldavite is tearing down the old me, it is changing me, it really transforms and accelerates me as a whole, and in doing so, I have to let go parts of the old me and even relations with people I couldn't cut the cords before, now it seems obvious why I should and how I am being dragged down. It just feels wrong in my head now to keep lowering my vibration with the things I used to do, that keeps holding me back. But it is a process I was expecting to happen and I am glad change is happening, as the old must die for the new to come in. I am certain that Moldavite is unlike any other crystal, after all, it is 15 million years old since it landed on our planet, but who knows how many more years before that, could it be really eons and this is the gem of a former angel Lucifer, I have no idea. That I do not know and it would be just speculation, but what I do know is that it is a very transformative crystal/tektite. There is a lot of things that are happening and sometimes I feel maybe I am not that ready for all this rush of change, but then I remember that if I wasn't ready for it, maybe I wouldn't have encounter Moldavite at this point in my life.

Necklace looks very similar to this picture, yet not exactly as in this picture.

If you can let go of the old, there's room for the new to grow. If there's space for the new to come in, Moldavite will do its job. You will do your job. Life will feel lived. - Katharina. [left-sidebar]


  1. Angel Number 1111 is a message from your angels to be very aware of your persistent thoughts and ideas as these are manifesting quickly into your reality. Ensure that your beliefs, thoughts and mind-sets are positive and optimistic in order to draw the energies of abundance and balance into your life


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