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2 Months Moldavite Experience Effects Feedback [Guest Post]

My name is Megan, I have been wearing Moldavite almost non-stop for about 2 months now and in this post I am going to put in detail several things that made my Moldavite experience stand out. I did used other crystals in the past, but since Moldavite came into my life, I couldn't put it away.

Sleeping with Moldavite

Even when I go to bed, I wear my piece of Moldavite with me, either I put it under the pillow, hold it in my hands (luckily it didn't break) or just put it in a corner of my bed. Sleeping with Moldavite brings me very vivid dreams, I know someone who has a piece and uses it successfully for lucid dreaming. Many times I was waking up feeling my head very clear, almost as if a veil was lifted and my body also felt quite aligned, not sure how to explain it in better words, but it was a feeling that I am healthy, in shape.

Got Moldavite? No Problems!

During the first month of using Moldavte, one of the most interesting things I have noticed is that the recurring problems from my life that usually annoy me, they are either resolved and gone or just don't bother me as much since I can see them for what they are and how most are in my head, which results to problems stopping to be what they are since they stop feeling like ones. Not sure if this is about raising my vibration but I do feel more at peace, solutions seems now more easy to focus on rather that putting my energy into the problem. Whenever I have a moment of indecision, I take a moment to reflect what is happening, take a breath and the answer or solution comes to me, as opposed to diving into indecision with emotions only.

moldavite 7 grams
My Moldavite, this is the original picture that the seller made with a better camera.

I know many people pair it with all sorts of crystals, I did so too and what worked out for me was pairing Moldavite with Scolecite (high vibration too) which is  very tranquil, peaceful and restful. I am sure it helped me be more calm in general, as Moldavite can be a very rushy tektite to work with, it wants to accelerate transformation and fix your problems to progress, sometimes this can be overwhelming if not ready.

Not sure how to explain it but on a certain degree, Moldavite makes me feel more comfortable and confident when I am in a group of friends or even strangers, as it makes me see that many of the little fears are just in my head and they are not truly real unless I think they are.

moldavite meditation
Painting by Hannah Adamaszek

Moldavite Meditation Experience

When I meditate with my Moldavite, I usually do it in my room, but one day I did it in my garden directly on the grass, bare feet, and as I meditated for around an hour and a half, my inner vision was filled with nuances of green color, and it was very interesting that this persisted quite a lot during my meditation outdoors with Moldavite. I may not be an expert on chakras but I do know some things, and I suspect that this has indeed widely opened my heart chakra, as after that I felt much compassion for whoever was around me and also had a very big sense of self-love. I think Moldavite can help one connecting much better and easier with their own guides, Moldavite is a one of a kind tektite with huge potential if used for its metaphysical properties. [left-sidebar]

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