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Using Moldavite for Healing and Transformation Purposes

One of the most common things that people report over the use of Moldavite is the rush and intensity of energy that passes through their body when working with (or holding) their piece of Moldavite. Moldavite is a high vibration crystal (tektite) that can be usually be felt as too powerful for some people because it brings the focus of your attention to the root cause of your problem, instead of masking it and just making you feel 'good and protected'. It does rectify underlying problems and imbalances which untreated leads to diseases and impeded spiritual evolution. People that use healing crystals and are familiar with the subject, should add a grounding stone from time to time as the Moldavite alone can cause further ungrounding for those that already are, and dizziness for some that are not yet accustomed to a high vibration. Star Childs should use Moldavite as it will make them feel more like at home, by adjusting your vibration and bringing more cosmic energy into your body.

moldavite grid

It is believed that Moldavite can bring access to obtain information  from the Akashic Record, expands awareness, instills cosmic consciousness, a true crystal of karmic and soul transformation. It can help you reconnect to your soul purpose and wisdom from past lives and leads you into the future in accessing what is needed for your evolution. It guides you how to put that knowledge into practice and into your mundane life.

Meditation with Moldavite placed on your forehead (3rd Eye Chakra zone) can help you to connect to the highest planes of consciousness and become one with the universe, as the very well known cliche.

Oh, is this article too short for you? Don't worry, let's dive into a Testimonial special kind of post, see this: moldavite effects [left-sidebar]

1 comment:

  1. wow that moldavite grid picture is amazing!!


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