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The Moldavite Effect: Experiences & Feedback From People All Over The World #1

This post is the first of its kind and it is part of a series I am compiling on personal experiences from people all over the world who owns at least a piece of Moldavite. What is fascinating is that no matter who these people are and what they do for a living, Reiki practitioners, occultists, crystal workers or just normal people that simply posses this tektite, they all report back very similar experiences that revolves around the subject of accelerated transformation due to their Moldavite.

Let's start first with a post we have found on Reddit's Occult sub.

General Moldavite Effects

moldavite effects properties
One of the most common things that most agree with is that this crystal (technically, Moldavite is a tektite) has a very high vibration, arguable the highest of them all. He summarized the experience of working with Moldavite quite well, as what happens usually when one is working with crystals is that over time, the person's vibration will match the one of the crystal's; this is mainly knowledge know by the ones that work with crystals on a daily basis. Usually when people that are not in a high vibration encounter Moldavite, they will start feeling dizzy, lightheaded, until they accustomed to this vibration. That does not mean that someone already in a high vibration will already be accustomed with Moldavite, we must keep in mind that some people are more sensible in feeling the energy from crystals.

Another feedback comes from a lady's first effects with Moldavite, reporting strong sensations, typically for the acclimatization period when the body gets accustomed to the high vibration of Moldavite. Usually this does not happen overnight, and although in a few days or week you will feel that you are in a synergy, what happens is that the very same effects of Moldavite are a result of the constant attempt of raising your own vibration. This is why you will notice the transformational changes in your life, the kind of thoughts you will have and many other things that we will discuss in more detail next time.

Moldavite Can Be Very Intense For First Timers

moldavite intense

And she isn't the only one... Although it doesn't mean this will happen to you as well.

Not only is intense, but it can help those who try to achieve lucid dreaming as well.

It is enough for today. Okay, one more...

moldavite obe vivid dreams
So far today we have noticed that even if they are not healers, reiky practitioners or crystal workers but just simple people, Moldavite can be intense, quick and with a crystal (tektite, I know.) with a very high potential (and vibration as well). This is was the #1 part of The Moldavite Effect series on testimonials from people all over the world, see you soon.

PS It would mean a lot to me if you woul take the time to leave a comment, makes me want to continue with this blog if I feel someone reads it. [left-sidebar]

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